Monday, 25 December 2017
Zun Kye's End-of-Year Fun Pack Task 1
○ What is the main objective of the visual text? (Purpose)
The main purpose is to inform people that fishing, creating fires, camping, swimming and hunting are prohibited in that area.
○ Who is the intended audience? (Audience)
The intended audience is the people who are going to that park in Taiwan. It is more likely intended for the locals as the words are written in Chinese before being directly translated into English, hence causing the grammar of the English text to be inaccurate.
○ What is the circumstance leading to the creation of the visual
text? Where, when and how might someone see/ observe the
visual text? (Context)
The sign was created because the owners of the land wanted to protect the natural species in the area, and the overall cleanliness and beauty of the place. Regulations were then created which the visitors and tourist were unaware of. The sign was then created to inform them of what they were not allowed to do in the park.
○ Is the visual text culture specific? (Culture)
No, it is addressed to generally any tourist or local visiting the area, hence the text is in both Chinese and English.
○ Is there anything unusual about the image?
The images use simple and basic icons so that the message is straightforward and clear, allowing people to easily understand and read the sign quickly, without having to stay for a long time trying to understand the pictures.
○ Does the slogan/ text provide any additional useful information
for the readers?
The text reiterates the information on the pictures.
Monday, 11 December 2017
Ethan's EOY Fun Pack 1 Poster
○ What is the main objective of the visual text? (Purpose)
- To feed the less fortunate children food.
○ Who is the intended audience? (Audience)
- People who buy too much food for themselves.
○ What is the circumstance leading to the creation of the visual
text? Where, when and how might someone see/ observe the
visual text? (Context)
- Food supply could be lacking in other countries. In a food court/hawker center. When eating at a food center.
○ Is the visual text culture specific? (Culture)
- Singaporeans tend to buy more food than they need.
○ Is there anything unusual about the image?
- The image shows a empty spoon which head has a face of a child who is starving, showing that the child has nothing to eat.
○ Does the slogan/ text provide any additional useful information
for the readers?
- The slogan of "Don't waste food while others starve." tells the reader that by wasting food they are depriving the starving people of food.
Friday, 17 November 2017
Christabel's End-of-Year Fun Pack Task 1
Q1. What is the main objective of the visual text? (Purpose)
A1. The main objective is to encourage people to take the stairs rather than use the lift.
Q2. Who is the intended audience? (Audience)
A2. The intended audience are people who usually take the lift.
Q3. What is the circumstances leading to the creation of the visual text? Where, when and how might someone see/observe the visual text? (Context)
A3. This poster was created as the source of fuel to generate electricity is being depleted and this could potentially lead to a energy crisis in the future unless steps are taken to save electricity. This poster is most likely found besides lift doors so that people can read the poster while waiting for the lift.
Q4. Is the visual text culture specific? (Culture)
A4. The culture is that most people prefer to take the lift compared to the stairs as it is less tiring.
Q5. Is there anything unusual about the image?
A5. The picture shows a person climbing the steps and reenforced the message encouraging people to climb the stairs instead of taking the lift.
Q6. Does the slogan/text provide any additional useful information for the readers?
A6. The slogan is "Burn calories, not electricity" and it points out that by choosing to take the stairs instead, you not only save electricity and the environment, but you also burn calories. This encourages the reader to take the stairs as they will be motivated by the fact that they can kill two birds with one stone.
Image source:
Friday, 15 September 2017
Wednesday, 30 August 2017
Monday, 22 May 2017
Monday, 15 May 2017
George's Post-Exam Daily Reflection
Click here to see mine:
Sunday, 14 May 2017
Saturday, 13 May 2017
Friday, 12 May 2017
Friday, 5 May 2017
Tuesday, 25 April 2017
Monday, 17 April 2017
Thursday, 13 April 2017
Commonly misspelled words
1) athlete
2) athletics
3) aggressive
4) authorize
5) accumulate
6) ascend
7) amateur
8) ageing
9) acquaintance
10) conscience
11) convenient
12) conscious
13) unconscious
14) cigarette
15) diarrhoea
16) dissatisfied
17) disastrous
18) dining
19) desperate
20) dilemma
21) excitement
22) embarrass
23) especially
24) environment
25) exaggerate
26) exhilarate
27) enclosure
28) familiar
29) foreigner
30) government
31) horrified
32) interview
33) inevitable
34) irresistible
35) maintenance
36) manoeuvre
37) noticeable
38) nausea
39) opponents
40) occasion
41) occurrence
42) panicked
43) perseverance
44) pronunciation
45) pastime
46) paralyze
47) possession
48) profession
49) perspiration
50) receive
51) schedule
52) separate
53) sympathise
54) sincerely
55) scene
56) sufficient
57) severely
58) unanimous
59) victorious
60) villain
61) whether
62) wrinkly
Sunday, 9 April 2017
Lin Hui's Visual Text Analysis
Image: This poster shows polar ice caps melting in the top half of the hourglass, instead of sand, the water from the melted ice caps goes to the bottom half of the hourglass, the water has submerged half of the earth that is shown in the bottom half of the hourglass. It signifies that we are running out of time before we are submerged in water.
Colours: The poster uses mostly green and blue, with white for the ice, and other colours for the buildings and cars in the city. The green is the earth and the blue is water.
Linguistic Features: The words are small but the poster captures people's attention so that they will go and take a look for themselves. If you look closely, the poster says "we are running out of time, act now before it's too late". The words are small but the message is clear and has meaning. It means that we have to stop global warming before all the polar ice caps melt and our world is submerged by water, that would be too late.
Typographical feature: The words are small and so they make a person curious about what it says and thus drawing someone to read what it says.
Layout: Almost the whole poster is the hourglass.
Purpose: It is the inform people that we need to do something to prevent global warming before it is too late and our time is up.
Audience: Everyone.
Context: The polar ice caps are melting, increasing the sea's water level and submerging our world in water.
Culture: When people read the poster, they will understand that now is the time to act and prevent global warming.
Image: This poster shows polar ice caps melting in the top half of the hourglass, instead of sand, the water from the melted ice caps goes to the bottom half of the hourglass, the water has submerged half of the earth that is shown in the bottom half of the hourglass. It signifies that we are running out of time before we are submerged in water.
Colours: The poster uses mostly green and blue, with white for the ice, and other colours for the buildings and cars in the city. The green is the earth and the blue is water.
Linguistic Features: The words are small but the poster captures people's attention so that they will go and take a look for themselves. If you look closely, the poster says "we are running out of time, act now before it's too late". The words are small but the message is clear and has meaning. It means that we have to stop global warming before all the polar ice caps melt and our world is submerged by water, that would be too late.
Typographical feature: The words are small and so they make a person curious about what it says and thus drawing someone to read what it says.
Layout: Almost the whole poster is the hourglass.
Purpose: It is the inform people that we need to do something to prevent global warming before it is too late and our time is up.
Audience: Everyone.
Context: The polar ice caps are melting, increasing the sea's water level and submerging our world in water.
Culture: When people read the poster, they will understand that now is the time to act and prevent global warming.
Joel's Visual Text Analysis
The images include dirty water droplets on a clean water body. This shows that as much of the world`s water is clean, as much of it is also dirty and polluted. The poster is trying to alert us about water pollution and to get us to do something about the situation.
The colours of the clean water body and the polluted water droplets have a sharp colour contrast, with the clean water a calming blue and the dirty water a disgusting brown.
The words rhyme in an effort to draw more attention and convey its message. This catchy phrase can draw more people to the matter.
Typographical Features
The first two-thirds of the text are bolder to emphasise the point while the remaining smaller words are to discourage us from doing that.
The words describing what we should do are printed on the blue and clear waters while what we should not do is printed on top of the brown, muddy waters. This layout clearly draws the line between both points and shows us the information the poster is trying to convey.
The purpose is to encourage the readers to save water and help prevent water pollution.
As this matter affects everyone, everyone is therefore considered part of the audience.
The context is both formal and informal.
The culture is in the form of a poster.
Lucas's Visual Text Analysis
Image: The photo shows an image of a tree and a fish. As the poster is talking about if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is, the tree and the fish help the reader to visualise and makes the poster more outstanding.
Colour: The colour of the tree is brown, and the sky is blue as its represent nature. The words are in white the make the words clearer.
Words: The words "Genius","Life" and "Stupid" are bigger as they are more important and more revalent to what the creator of the poster is trying to show.
Typographical Features: The words are round to make it nice and interesting.
Layout: We can see a tree and the words properly from top to bottom.
Purpose: It is to encourage others not to think they are stupid and everyone has their own talents.
Audience: Everyone who thinks they are not a genius.
Context: Makes people feel inspired and find their strengths, not their weakness.
Culture: People would be motivated and look at the bright side.
Saturday, 8 April 2017
Zun Kye's Visual Text Analysis

Image:The number 3 covers most of the poster and is white, in contrast to the red background, to emphasise on the 3 million people TB that do not get the treatment.
Colour: Red and White are used because red is the colour of blood so it is related to health. Red is a bright colour so it will attract people to read the poster.
Words and typographical features: The poster has very big numbers like "9 million" to emphasise on the severity of Tuberculosis (TB). The first line is one white to draw the attention of the viewer. The second line is in black to show the "darker" side of the situation which is that 3 million people with TB don't get the treatment they need. The last sentance," Help us to reach them" is a call to action to get everyone to help those with TB, by indetifying them and helping them to receive treatment. The entire poster uses the same font and font size to show that everything on the poster are equally important.
Layout: The information is on the right because people read from left to right. The "3" is in the middle and is the biggest to attract the reader's attention to find out what the "3" means.
The TB day logo is smaller and on the left for viewers to know which organization the poster came from.
Purpose: To inform viewers about the existence of Tuberculosis and to ask them to help to reach those with TB who do not get the treatment they need.
Audience: People who see the poster that may or may not have TB.
Context: Helping the 3 million out of the 9 million with tuberculosis that do not receive the treatment they need.
Culture: Viewers do not know about TB and be encouraged to indentify and help those with TB.
Image:The number 3 covers most of the poster and is white, in contrast to the red background, to emphasise on the 3 million people TB that do not get the treatment.
Colour: Red and White are used because red is the colour of blood so it is related to health. Red is a bright colour so it will attract people to read the poster.
Words and typographical features: The poster has very big numbers like "9 million" to emphasise on the severity of Tuberculosis (TB). The first line is one white to draw the attention of the viewer. The second line is in black to show the "darker" side of the situation which is that 3 million people with TB don't get the treatment they need. The last sentance," Help us to reach them" is a call to action to get everyone to help those with TB, by indetifying them and helping them to receive treatment. The entire poster uses the same font and font size to show that everything on the poster are equally important.
Layout: The information is on the right because people read from left to right. The "3" is in the middle and is the biggest to attract the reader's attention to find out what the "3" means.
The TB day logo is smaller and on the left for viewers to know which organization the poster came from.
Purpose: To inform viewers about the existence of Tuberculosis and to ask them to help to reach those with TB who do not get the treatment they need.
Audience: People who see the poster that may or may not have TB.
Context: Helping the 3 million out of the 9 million with tuberculosis that do not receive the treatment they need.
Culture: Viewers do not know about TB and be encouraged to indentify and help those with TB.
Adam's Visual Text Analysis
The first thing to catch your attention is the cartoon dog at the top of the poster. It will mainly attract children's attention as it looks like a fantasy and it looks funny. The dog at the top represents children's imagination and fantasy. It demonstrates how children think that fantasy and fairytales are real, even though they are actually just made up stories. The dog at the bottom represents a perspective of an adult who knows that fantasy does not exist. That is why there is a picture of a "real" dog.
The white background makes the dogs easily seen and the text easily readable. The colourful cartoon dog makes the audience look at the cartoon dog first, and then, progress onto the next dog which is real. The colours of the dogs stand out against the plain white background.
The words "FICTION" AND "NON-FICTION" are underlined
Typographical Features:
The words on the poster are using the same fonts and seize. They are also aligned into the middle of the poster to make it look simple and easy to read.
The fantasy dog is at the top of the poster, thus, attracting more people's attention (especially children). The people will see the fantasy dog first, before seeing the real dog, making an impact on the reader.
The purpose of this poster is to make sure people who believe in fantasies do not get so wrapped up in those fantasies and do not believe that it is actually real.
People who believe that fantasy and fairy tales exist.
The context is to show people the difference between fantasy and real life.
People will not mistake something that is a fantasy and not real as something that exists.
Thursday, 6 April 2017
Simran's Visual Text Analysis

Image: This poster just has one picture depicting a melting polar bear with the caption "melting away" beneath it. I know the polar bear is melting as its top and bottom are curved like dripping ice cream. Although the picture is just a simple polar bear, the way it has been portrayed, it somehow has a deeper meaning in the finest of its features (eg. the border make it seem as if it's actually "melting" and its eyes and mouth make it look sad) From the picture, I can make out that the polar bear is sad and dying which highlights its caption as well. Not only that, below the caption, there is a link "" which leads me to the purpose of this poster, save the arctic aka save Earth.
Colours: This poster only made use of two colours, dark blue and white. From my understanding, I think the colour blue represents the water in the arctic and the colour white represents the polar bears and ice. The combination of these two colours somehow manages to pop-out the picture and words outstandingly.
Linguistic Feature (words): The caption "melting away" is very large in size and is able to grab my attention easily. It also relates clearly to the picture as in the picture, the polar bear is "melting". Hence, this poster's linguistic features are to the point and short yet can pass the message through to the reader.
Typographical features: The font type is matching the picture as because if it was something like cursive, it wouldn't have exactly matched it and would not show the seriousness of the situation the poster was trying to convey across.
Layout: The picture of the polar bear is in the top middle and as we look down, comes the caption followed by the website followed by the company that produced this poster.
Purpose: It is to educate the members of public about the need to save the arctic and the animals living there such as polar bears. I think it is also related to reducing global warming as one of the reasons why the arctic is melting is because of global warming.
Audience: Members of publc
Context: The arctic is melting resulting a lot of polar bears to lose their homes and die. The arctic is melting is because of global warming which is currently a world-wide issue that many countries are trying to reduce if not prevent before our Earth becomes too unsafe for us ourselves to live in.
Culture: When members of society read analyse this poster, they will think about how serious the issue of global warming has turned and hence will try to do their individual roles to prevent it.
Hafiz's Visual Text Analysis

The image shows a goldfish jumping out of a fish bowl and into another one while the rest of the goldfish remains in the same bowl. It also shows an inspirational phrase above.
The main colour of the poster is blue. The goldfishes in the poster stands out from the background to show that the goldfishes are the main things that the reader will focus on. It also attracts peoples attentions as the colour stands out very well.
The inspirational phrase "If you want something in your life you've never had, you'll have to do something, you've never done before." It is trying to convey a message that
Typographical features:
The colour of the words are white which cause it to stand out. The size of the words are big enough to allow the readers to see. The words are also not in capital letters which does not makes it seems as if it is shouting. Thus, the reader would not feel offended.
The two fish bowls are placed symmetrically in the image. But the goldfishes are placed only in one of the bowls which will cause it to no longer be symmetrical. Thus, the reader will wonder why and gets attracted to it.
The purpose of the poster is to inspire people to try new and different things in order to achieve something that the reader have never achieved.
The audience are the people who needs to be motivated and inspired in order to achieve new things.
The context is to make people be inspired and motivated so that they can achieve their dreams.
People would be more motivated to try something new and different.
George Ma's Visual Text Analysis
Source: ( )
The poster contains an image of Star Wars, Darth Vader helmet but instead of the usual Darth Vader's matt black face, there are two trees. At the bottom, apart from the website it was from, there is also this sentence which says 'Join The Green Side'.
The color of the poster goes well with the theme of the poster as it green in color and green is normally associated with the plants and trees. The black font, tree, and helmet help each one of them to stand out. The black color is also very related to the color of the helmet.
The words used in this poster are ' Join The Greens Side'. I feel that the creator tried to create a relationship between Star Wars and being eco-friendly as they used the famous line said by Darth Vader's Famous line 'Join The Dark Side' but the just changed the color to Green as they intended to deliver the message to become eco-friendly and make the earth green again.
Typographical Features:
The creator of the poster made the text color 'black' in order to catch the reader's attention. I feel that they are also trying to show what is the main message of the poster so the readers will know that this poster is related to the environment and the condition of the earth.
The words are all at the bottom so the reader will tend to look at the picture first before looking down for the message of the poster.
To encourage them to be more eco-friendly and also encourage the public to do their part to sustain the environment of earth.
to help to sustain the nature and do not let it die away slowly( e.g cutting trees, removing animals' habitats, burn trees for more space)
to help and encourage them to be more eco-friendly
The poster contains an image of Star Wars, Darth Vader helmet but instead of the usual Darth Vader's matt black face, there are two trees. At the bottom, apart from the website it was from, there is also this sentence which says 'Join The Green Side'.
The color of the poster goes well with the theme of the poster as it green in color and green is normally associated with the plants and trees. The black font, tree, and helmet help each one of them to stand out. The black color is also very related to the color of the helmet.
The words used in this poster are ' Join The Greens Side'. I feel that the creator tried to create a relationship between Star Wars and being eco-friendly as they used the famous line said by Darth Vader's Famous line 'Join The Dark Side' but the just changed the color to Green as they intended to deliver the message to become eco-friendly and make the earth green again.
Typographical Features:
The creator of the poster made the text color 'black' in order to catch the reader's attention. I feel that they are also trying to show what is the main message of the poster so the readers will know that this poster is related to the environment and the condition of the earth.
The words are all at the bottom so the reader will tend to look at the picture first before looking down for the message of the poster.
To encourage them to be more eco-friendly and also encourage the public to do their part to sustain the environment of earth.
to help to sustain the nature and do not let it die away slowly( e.g cutting trees, removing animals' habitats, burn trees for more space)
to help and encourage them to be more eco-friendly
See Toh Annie's Visual Text Analysis
Image: On this poster, there is a picture of an older girl and a younger girl. Both of the girls seem very grubby and look like they have been living on the streets for a long period. Hanging on the older girl is a sale price board stating a price of 65 dollars. They have no belongings with them except for a pail, a cloth and clothes. One of the girls is wearing slippers, while the other is barefooted. This picture shows that the children are for sale.
Linguistic features ( referring to language ): The message in this poster is “Some things should never be for sale” The meaning behind this message is about how children should never be sold or treated as slaves. Children are also humans, and they have feelings. They should not be ill treated just for the sake of money and satisfaction of a parent or an adult. At the bottom of the page, there is a line which states “Let’s end child slavery”. This shows that ‘world vision’ hopes to put a stop to child slavery and hopes to work with the fellow people to do so.
Typographical features( style, appearance, or production of printed matter ): The main message “Some things should never be for sale” is evidently larger in size as compared to the other text on the poster, so as to portray that the message in is important. The words are in white and are against a black background. This design creates contrast so that the phrase will stand out even more.
Layout: The main message is on top of the picture and the left-hand side. With that layout, that sentence would usually be the first message which the readers would observe. The picture is in the centre so the primary focus in on it. At the bottom of the page are their aim and the organisation which created or supported this poster.
Purpose: The purpose of this poster is to discourage human trafficking and child slavery. The poster portrays that children should never be sold and the action of child slavery should be banned.
Audience: The potential readers would be the members of the public and the fellow people who happen to see this poster.
Context: The need to stop human trafficking and child slavery because of past incidents.
Culture: When members of the society are alerted of this posted, they will try their best to reduce these activities and would not encourage these. The victims would be more conservative and would not be willing to communicate as openly with others, after experiencing child slavery.
Hao Min's Visual Text Analysis
Source: (,800x800,070,f.u2.jpg )

Image: A white flower with a little red on its sides in the middle of many flowers which are either yellow or red
Colour: The white colour makes the flower stand out from the other yellow and red flowers.
Words: 'You are outstanding!' conveys the message of standing out of the crowd as the flower depicts the difference in colour which makes it special.
Typography: Words might not be in caps but the exclamation mark emphasises on how different the white flower is from the other yellow and red flowers.
Layout: The white flower is mixed with the other flowers but with the difference in colour made it stood out and makes it very noticeable.
Purpose: The white flower tells the audience that actually he/she is capable of something that would make them stand out but only with the fact that he/she changes 'colour' and shows his/her talent.
Audience: People who are shy but have talents, they either have not found out yet or found out but do not dare to show.
Context: To tell people to be braver and show others what you can do.
Culture: People will be braver and show people what they can do. Instead of being that normal red/yellow flower, they will be like the white flower.

Image: A white flower with a little red on its sides in the middle of many flowers which are either yellow or red
Colour: The white colour makes the flower stand out from the other yellow and red flowers.
Words: 'You are outstanding!' conveys the message of standing out of the crowd as the flower depicts the difference in colour which makes it special.
Typography: Words might not be in caps but the exclamation mark emphasises on how different the white flower is from the other yellow and red flowers.
Layout: The white flower is mixed with the other flowers but with the difference in colour made it stood out and makes it very noticeable.
Purpose: The white flower tells the audience that actually he/she is capable of something that would make them stand out but only with the fact that he/she changes 'colour' and shows his/her talent.
Audience: People who are shy but have talents, they either have not found out yet or found out but do not dare to show.
Context: To tell people to be braver and show others what you can do.
Culture: People will be braver and show people what they can do. Instead of being that normal red/yellow flower, they will be like the white flower.
Hanafi's Visual Text Analysis

The first thing that captures the readers' attention is the words "Earth Day". There are drawings of flower/leaves patterns on top of the word "Earth" which represents flowers/leaves on the trees. There is also a drawing of the bottom part of a tree under the word "Festival". The drawings of the flowers/leaves and the bottom part of a tree, together with the words "Earth Day Festival", resembles a tree.
The colours used stand out, so this poster might be much more attractive than other posters with dull colours. The main colour used in this poster is green. Since Earth Day is about demonstrating support for environmental protection, the colour of trees, which is green, is appropriately used in this poster. The words are white in colour and thus they also stand out from the poster.
The message that the poster is trying to convey to the readers is "Come Green Up Your Act With Us".
Typographical features:
The words " Earth Day" has a large font. This captures the readers' attention as they take up more space than the other words used in this poster. The reason why the words 'Earth Day" has a large font is that the readers, upon seeing the poster, will know what it is about.
The "Tree" in the poster takes up most of the space and below it is the information about the poster. Hence, both the "Tree" and the words below it is balanced. This will make the poster look organised and tidy. The readers would be able to look through the poster easily and find information about the poster quicker.
To inform the readers about "Earth Day Festival" and its information.
People who likes the environment and wants to protect it.
Encourage readers to care for the environment and participate in "Earth's Day Festival".
People would be interested to participate in "Earth's Day Festival" so that they can learn more about Earth and its environment, and how to care for it.
Richard's Visual Text Analysis

The first thing people would notice about this poster is the on button and a tree standing on it, showing that our lives can be powered by nature. This image is about our lives, instead of being powered by electricity, being powered by nature.
The poster mainly uses the dark blue and light green colours. The dark blue to depict the night sky and the light green to show nature powering our lives.
The words used are " Lights Off Life On" and " Earth Hour". The words "Light Off Life On" are used to bring across the message to not let our lives be run by electricity.
Typographical Features:
The words " LIGHT OFF LIFE ON" are in capital letters which show the seriousness of the issue at hand. The words are also positioned below the image which would normally first catch the readers attention.
Everything is being positioned such that there is a balance between both sides of the poster.
On the internet or Earth Hour related projects.
To make people save electricity by turning off lights.
People should conserve electricity and safe the world.
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